Let’s all sing a song of aerodynamics

If you’re a fan of our site, then you’ll know that we reciprocate that with you. Thank you!
You’ll also know how much we love to travel and how much aircraft factor into this. Modern planes (and, to be honest, even older planes) are complex beasts, over-engineered to provide that maximum safety for passengers. They have duplicate – and sometimes even more – redundant systems for maximum assurance.
But, with all that in mind, do you know how aircraft actually stay in the air? Why do they not just drop out of the sky?
This is through the magic of aerodynamics. The science behind it is as old as the Earth – look at birds, for example – but humankind has taken it into the form of art.
Here is a helpful diagram that explains the principals of lift and thrust, and drag.
However, you might find this video to be a bit easier.
Now that you’ve fried your brain, EasyJet are here to save the day!