As with any forward-thinking country, one of their top objectives is to be able to competently and economically shuttle their citizens from A to B. Automobiles are an obvious and easy way to do that, but we all know that automobiles are not the best way to do that. So, some countries are now scrambling to find ways to move their citizens as efficiently as possible. We always bang on about using rail, so we won’t drive that point into the ground. So what are other options? It has to be aviation, as has been for a very long time.
Airlines are getting better at making their products affordable, efficient, green and available. Air technology has been making leaps and bounds over the past few decades where, in some cases, it actually makes better sense to fly than other modes of transportation. Watch the video below courtesy of the always fun Yin’s Travel
So, consider China. They have a population exceeding 1.4 billion! Admittedly, it’s a huge country, but the terrains can be a real challenge. So, lo and behold, aviation is a genuinely valid travel solution. And, China being China, they’ve grabbed the bulls by the horn and (as a result of Western sanctions) have built their first major commercial airliner, the Jet C919. Admittedly a knock-off of Airbus planes, it does what it needs to do.

Watch the video below, Flying China’s First Pasengers Jet C919. From Shanghai To Chengdu. While you’re watching the video, notice how Chengu’s airport Airport is snazzy and has lots of options to eat and rest. And, it’s multilingual. Kudos to China for keeping the rest of the world in mind!

Stay at the Wenjun Courtyard Hotel Chengdu ( Kuanzhai Branch) Wow! Click here.

Enjoy a Sichuan Opera Show.
For this Sichuan opera show, you’ll get the opportunity to take a journey to explore local culture with live entertainment in Chengdu. The show will take place at the Shufeng Yayun Teahouse. For 1.5 hours, you’ll watch actors, puppeteers, dancers and acrobats perform a variety of spectacles. Additionally, you’ll have Sichuan tea during the show. You’ll also get the option to upgrade your ticket to include better seating, snacks, a massage, ear grooming and costuming. Click here to book.