Airships. What goes around comes around. And how many times did the Jefferson Airplane change their name? Quite a few times. But, that clumsy introduction will now elegantly segue into the real meat and potatoes of this post; airships. Most people reel in horror when the “airship” word is mentioned, thanks to the Hindenburg. But, let’s be real: that was May 6, 1937, and instances of airship disasters in this day and age are few and far between. And, so maybe it’s time to review the “history” look at the present and future, and approach it with modern technology. Look at the Goodyear Blimps that continue to thrill riders and spectators. There are actually a lot of benefits. Watch the video below for a balanced and hopeful appraisal.
In case you’ve lived in a hangar for several decades, airships, also known as dirigibles or blimps, have a storied history that peaked in the early to mid-20th century but largely waned after notable accidents and the rise of faster airplanes. However, there’s been renewed interest in airships for various reasons. Watch the video to hear some some arguments for reconsidering airships as viable travel options: there are more than you probably think.
One of the primary advantages of airships is their potential to be more environmentally friendly than airplanes. Airships can operate using hybrid or fully electric propulsion systems, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In an era where sustainability is paramount, this advantage is significant.
Unlike airplanes that require long runways for takeoff and landing, airships can take off and land vertically or with minimal infrastructure. This versatility means they can access remote areas without the need for extensive airport infrastructure, opening up new routes and destinations.
And, perhaps best of all, airships provide passengers with a unique travel experience, offering panoramic views of landscapes below. This scenic experience could be particularly appealing for tourism routes, allowing travelers to appreciate destinations from a different perspective. Quiet, silky and unforgettable. One of a kind. How many times in your life do you get to do something truly unforgettable?

Tripadvisor always have your ticket. Click here to learn more about blimp rides.