It’s been heaven, 747

As insanely expensive as they are, eventually commercial airliners are put out to pasture, even after they have spent time in a number of different airlines.
Boeing’s 747 was certainly one of the most glamourous and desirable planes to fly on, for the past several decades. But, alas, the old girl’s time is coming to an end.
Another airline retired the last of its Boeing 747 passenger fleet recently. Taipei-based China Airlines flew its final 747-400 passenger service on Saturday, March 20, 2021. It signals the end of an era for the company which has featured the mighty jumbo jet since 1975. That’s been a good run, though.
Boeing will end the production of the iconic 747 line in 2022.
And, if you want to have a real 747 experience, why not sleep in one?
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Click here to sleep in a 747 in Sweden