I don’t know about you, but we’ve grown a bit tired of tired action movies. Same old plot, same worn-out dialogue, same heroic clichés. Blecch. Life is too short. But, nonetheless, Hollywood keeps churning out the same drivel, and the crowds keep eating it up. One good example is how “the hero” manages to land a commercial airliner whilst having zero skills at flying. And even though bits of the aircraft may burst into flames, the novice lands the jet, as it skids into the airport windows.

Being fans of aircraft (and once shortly being a junior pilot many decades ago,) we can tell you that it ain’t that simple. So, if you want to know what it takes to really be a commercial airline pilot and how to actually land an Airbus A320, watch the video below. It features the always enjoyable and informative YouTube Mentour Pilot, Peter. Even by himself, he is quality content as he informs and updates you with the latest in commercial aviation.
But, in this episode, he goes one step further and hauls in another fine YouTube creator, the always inquisitive and accurate Tom Scott. Watch as Peter tries to assist Tom in landing a commercial airliner. Compare and contrast with Hollywood’s flimsy version of reality.