Above and beyond the endless parade of jokes about Miami, nearly everyone wants to go there at least once in their lives. We’ve been many, many times and still find it lots of fun. It’s always reinventing itself, so even after a long spell of being away, it’s easy to get drawn back in and take in the new.
Of course, one of the primary activities there is cruise ships. On average, Port Miami may see around 5-10 cruise ship movements (arrivals and departures) per day during busy periods. However, this number can be even higher on weekends or during special events when multiple ships are scheduled. Be prepared.
And a modern cruise liner can carry a heaving number of passengers and crew members. The exact number varies depending on the size and type of the ship. So, in other words, probably a lot of people. As if you didn’t know.
Covid 19 made a huge mess of a problem for cruise companies, and it’s only been in the past year or so when numbers started return to what was once the norm. So, what if you want to take a cruise from Miami but, for one reason or another, can’t for one reason or another?
We can offer our solaces and give you something that might be helpful. Watch the video above (part of our Hey Presto!) series, sit back, whip up a Mojito and dream about your turn. Watch the video. above. Perhaps you’ll see your ship. Romance is only a click away.

In this instance, you’re in for a real (virtual) treat, as the ship in the spotlight is the Live PortMiami Cruise “ICON of the Seas” If you’re looking for the real thing, our cruise affiliate friends have a variety of cruise lines and styles. To look and book Click here.