One would imagine that almost everyone – at least in their dreams – aspire to “The Good Life.” This phrase can take on many meanings – as many meanings as there are people on this earth. But, it’s safe to say that we all want something more, even if it’s just a little more.
Coincidentally, we’re in a time and place in space where things that we only dreamed we could have are not only available, but they’re do-able, as well. The internet has created happy marriages between those who want, and those who have. And the world is a better place for that.
Your editor loves automobiles of almost all kinds. I’ve had a few – some were classics – but I have never risen to the occasion to own a luxury motor car. Maybe I’m not that kind of guy, really. But, that doesn’t mean that I can’t have my shooting brake and eat it too. And so can you.
Manfred, a gentleman from Heidelberg, Germany, has such a vehicle, and he will be happy to show you around that most beautiful city from the back of his Mercedes S-Class. Can you imagine anything more relaxing, entertaining and informative? And you can always count on a total first-class experience – because that’s the way the Germans do it!