Ah, Disney. From left to right, to and top to bottom, the company has always been there, thrilling our children and to be honest, us, too. Sure, it’s a well-oiled machine that requires cash (ours) but the intent is always good. It’s been around since the 1950s and could probably qualify as a country of its own: there are six Disney “castle parks” globally, but only five of them actually have the name “Disneyland” — one each in California, Hong Kong, Paris, Shanghai, and Tokyo. Florida’s “flagship “granddaddy” park is called The Magic Kingdom.
We’re sure everyone who visits our site has been to at least one “Disneyland” and probably more, but what do you really know about how it all started and what it actually means in relation to business versus pleasure. For us, one thing is for sure: Walt Disney was a visionary – truly – and his heart was in the right place. But, by watching the video below, you’ll also see how far his ambitions and vision actually went. And one thing, for us anyway, is how Walt tried and tried again and again to get rail into the consciousness of the American public. Rail came and it went. Even today, with the world using rail as a regular means of transport, the USA has fallen far behind most of the rest of the world. We wonder what Walt would say, were he alive today.
Watch above as Walt explains his love of rail. He’s not wrong.
Well, no matter where you live – you can always visit a Disney property somewhere in the world. Even if you’re the most jaded adult who has ever lived, you can still find some joy at Disney. The rides and the technology are inspiring. The sheer scope of the idea is a bit mind-boggling. And, that the fact that, on average, 31,000 people pass through the doors daily and still manage to do and see everything they desire certainly deserves a hearty round of applause. But, when you do visit, think of Walt and not Mickey. He was ahead of his time. Next time you visit a Disney destination, look at how important rail is – even the trains on the ground.

Rail is everywhere in Disney’s world. Click here to book your Disney tickets. Skip the line. Save money.

Spoil yourself. Stay at the Four Seasons Orlando at Walt Disney World Resort. Click here to look and book.