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In a Galaxy, far far away

The force is strong, young one. It’s been 45 years since the first Star Wars blew us all away in theaters, and the impact and memories of that first film (and many of the others) are an embedded part of the psyches of most generations, worldwide. Classics do not pay justice to the film franchise.…

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Copenhagen mountain

One of the things we like to expose and promote here is interesting architecture and its even more interesting usage. With the elastic and durable materials that architects have at their fingertips now, the sky is the limit. In this case - literally. We imagine that many of you were terrified when you…

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If you love problems on holiday, read on

Not to pick on any particular travel company: if you think about it, can you imagine the logistical nightmares that airlines and cruises have to contend with on a daily basis? Sure, most have been doing this for years, but can they really plan for each eventuality, especially when there are so many moving…

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Ouigo Train Classique

We love history. We love trains. We love France. We love you! What a combination, bien sur. OUIGO has been preparing a nice surprise for you for several months now: trains on the classic line, with great prices. SNCF Voyageurs launched its first Ouigo Train Classique low-cost passenger services…

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Getaway car

Here's an interesting idea. Get away from car payments. How about having access to dozens of models of automobiles that you can use, swap and refresh as often as you like. A car subscription. And you should see the choice! Meet FINN. Europe-based FINN are revolutionizing conventional car ownership and making driving…

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Glamping, not cramping, your style

Camping is one of those love it / hate it propositions. Most of us are not in love with mosquitos. And, even in the summer, sleeping on the ground in a tent can be a lumpy and cold prospect. But, to be sure, the outdoor locations are usually mind-bogglingly beautiful, and you…

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It’s crystal clear

Despite all that (most) people and companies try to do to save the planet, we're still on the path of no return unless we pull our collective fingers out and get it together. The most bothersome thing is that we have most of the technology and the knowledge. But it's the willpower (or…

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Art is everywhere

As you travel, you're almost always surprised and delighted when, in the least likely of places, a house or an office or some form of public works stuns you with its beauty or originality. In today's world of cookie-cutter homes and offices, we're thankful when an art lover with money collides with designers who…

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