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Equal rights, equal wrongs

Most of us live in social worlds that are profoundly unequal, where small elites have vastly more power and wealth than everyone else. Very few of the have-nots find this congenial. As experimental economists have shown, we tend to enter social situations prepared to take a chance and cooperate in collective activities. But if others…

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(Not the Republic of) Dominica

Have you heard of Dominica?  Officially the Commonwealth of Dominica, is an island country in the Caribbean. The capital, Roseau, is located on the western side of the island. It is geographically situated as part of the Windward Islands chain in the Lesser Antilles archipelago in the Caribbean Sea. The island is located near Guadeloupe…

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It’s a string thing

Peruvians from the Huinchiri community in Cusco region are rebuilding a 500-year-old Incan hanging bridge, made using traditional weaving techniques to string a crossing together spanning the Apurimac river far below. The Q’eswachaka bridge has been used for over 500 years to connect communities divided by the river. But during the Covid pandemic it fell…

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Weave got the beat

This might be an odd question, but what do neurons prefer?  They do react to sounds, you know.  And sometimes they gravitate to certain kinds of stimuli. Some even respond to music, like we humans. Why are we talking about this?  Because these are questions that informed neuroscience specialists.  These scientists capture the "spikes" that…

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OTT* travel

As we've written before, the world is getting smaller as it's getting larger.  For better or worse, people around the world are finding more ways to venture to new places, explore new cultures and bask in the visceral joy that travel brings. But, there is another side to this explosion, and that is there are deep…

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Au revoir, Paris. Vous allez me manquer.*

Je vous aime . .  the heart of Paris, a city that has beckoned artists, philosophers, romantics and young wide-eyes over the millennia. But now, especially in the times of Covid-19, millions of French people who would rather die than leave this city home are now packing their bags and saying au revoir. Watch this short…

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Who am I? Where am I?

Some people have all the problems.  For example, they live in Paris, not so far from Gare de Nord.  They opt to take a night train.  Luxurious, fast and totally European. But, they wake up suddenly, only to realise that they're in Venice, not three stops down. Tsk.  Such problems. All jokes aside, European rail…

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Sleepless in Seattle

The Pacific Northwest in the United States is rather beautiful, especially if you don't have a problem with rain.  It rains a lot here.  Spring, summer and parts of autumn are lovely, as well, but rain is a defining term for this part of the world. And, as we know, rain fills the land and…

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Young, fast and scientific

Let's face it - finding travel deals is not easy. There are not enough hours in the day for most of us.  And it's a moving target. Well, let's give a big thank you to our affiliate friends have created their annual Cheapair 2021Annual Airfare Study. You don’t have to feel stymied by convoluted…

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Chunnel of love

As of this writing, the past few years have been tumultuous, to say the least.  Between pandemics, anger in the streets, despicable political maneuvering and change in almost every country, the world is not the one we that thought we knew. One such event was Brexit.  For those not aware, this was an event that…

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Do jets sip or gulp?

We fly on airplanes and think we understand how they work.  But, do we really? Most of us take for granted the fact that airplanes just fly when we get on them. We often completely overlook the technicalities involved in achieving flight. And one of the key areas that few of us consider is the…

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You’re a star!

Trains, planes and automobiles.  There's no getting around getting around. In this day and age, trains are the past, present and future.  There can be only a few competitors to rail when it comes to sustainability and simple common sense.  That's why they are the default mode of transport in so many countries. Mother Europe…

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Simplify Covid travel with the IATA Pass

The IATA Travel Pass is a mobile application under development allowing travelers to simply and securely store and manage certifications for COVID-19 tests or vaccines. The information through the IATA Travel Pass can be shared with border authorities requiring testing or proof of vaccination as a condition of international travel during and after the COVID-19…

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Novica: make an impact

Chances are good that you've heard of the National Geographic Society.  It is an American pay television network and flagship channel owned by National Geographic Partners, a joint venture between The Walt Disney Company and the National Geographic Society. The operational management is handled by Walt Disney Television.  Their programs are known around the world.…

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Travel in a Spaceship

It must rank as one of everyone's dreams - to travel in a spaceship.  As we write this post, more and more possible future options for spaceship travel appear everyday. But how would you like to travel in a Spaceship right now?  Well, you can by getting in touch with our affiliate friends Spaceship Rentals.…

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Elon Musk is loopy

Well, that Elon Musk is always doing something.  Whether it's the reading the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica at nine years old, selling his first company for $307 million, founding PayPal and creating Tesla automobiles and starting SpaceX to send humanity to infinity and beyond. One of his passions is transportation, and his Hyperloop system is well…

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European self-sufficiency

Europe is often looked upon as a model of efficiency.  With nearly 750 million people living in a relatively tight space, they need to be.  But, Europe has also been the mother of invention there.  Spain created the spacesuit.  Iceland created the power transformer.  Ireland created the submarine . . .  and more. One modern…

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Go go Mongolia

With extreme temperatures and landscapes, extreme living, and some extremely wrong perceptions from outsiders, Mongolia is one of the most complex places—and Mongols one of the most misunderstood people—in the world. Conversations about the weather, the great expanse of the country, and the traditional nomadic lifestyle dominate talk of Mongolia, and it’s understandable. Temperature…

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Can you Caño?

If you really want to get away, then we have the place for you. Those in the know realise that Colombia is now shining in the sun, again.  Most of its troubles are in the past and it is fast becoming a top destination.  Lovely, friendly people, an endless array of activities throughout the country,…

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