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Special Offers / Deals

Special Offers / Deals

Is skiplagging flagging?

A few years back, an online website, Skiplagged, appeared, promising to "find flights the airlines don’t want you to see," as their motto says. Their website explains: Our unique algorithm shows the cheapest regular flights and hidden-city flights faster than any other site. Hidden-city flights refer to itineraries with multiple legs where the traveler…

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No App-Perhentian 

Here's another delightful bubbling under find (for most of us.) We scour the globe every day to find little known destinations for you. It was only recently when we discovered the Perhentian Islands. A visit to the Perhentian Islands is taking a step into a rare, exotic paradise, and the perfect place to…

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I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid you can’t fly that

Pity the poor airlines.  During Covid, nobody wanted to fly.  Now everyone wants to fly . . everywhere . . .all at once.  And, in some cases, it almost feels like the airlines have forgotten how to run their business. But, as always - Covid or not - things go wrong and your flight is cancelled. …

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