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Special Interest

Special Interest

Jane, stop this crazy thing!

Plastics.  Carbon fibre. Airloys. Atomic layer deposition. Nano putty. Aerogel. Memory foam.  Metalized polyethylene terephthalate. Your travel future relies on the space-age materials listed above.  They play their part in making planes, trains and automobiles better, lighter, stronger and faster. Why  does this matter to you?  Both American Airlines and Virgin Atlantic recently signed deals…

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Give peace a chance

We live in an age in which – for obvious reasons – it’s vital to understand how to build peace. Nuclear proliferation, inter-state and civil wars, terrorism and insurgencies, rising extremisms and hate crimes, social polarisation and increasingly vituperate online diction mean that learning how to reconcile enemies has never been more important. This importance is…

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OTT* travel

As we've written before, the world is getting smaller as it's getting larger.  For better or worse, people around the world are finding more ways to venture to new places, explore new cultures and bask in the visceral joy that travel brings. But, there is another side to this explosion, and that is there are deep…

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The flock says no, humans

As statistics show again and again, flying is the safest way to travel, by far.  Northwestern University's Ian Savage complied facts that back this up.  Savage aggregated fatality statistics from 2000 to 2009 and then expressed them for different transportation methods in terms of deaths per billion passenger miles traveled. The main finding: Automobiles are one…

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Seasons change, and so will we

Home:  there is nothing better than coming home.  A place for everything, everything in its place.  A home, not a house.  There's no place like home.  To know the road ahead, ask those coming back. There are many platitudes that describe home, but the last one, above, is what we're talking about here.  Why is…

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Mood IndiGo

If you haven't travelled to India (even recently,) there is a lot going on when it comes to air travel.  Air India has always been the stalwart, and will likely remain that way.  But, with companies like Vistara and GoAir - and now IndiGo, travelers in India are spoiled for choice.  IndiGo is punching above…

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Can you Canfranc?

War is hell.  There have been too many.  But, humans always find a way to pick themselves up, dust themselves off and start again. After the end of the First World War, during the euphoria following one of the most awful periods of world history, the Pau-Somport rail tunnel had been driven beneath the Pyrenees…

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There’s a place

In his documentary, filmmaker Paul Saltzman retraces his journey of 50 years ago when he spent - almost accidentally - a life-changing time with the Beatles at the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s ashram on the banks of the Ganges River. In 1968, he discovered his own soul, learned meditation, which changed his life, and hung out with…

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Gala Malaga

Nearly 3,000 years old, Málaga, Spain, on the banks of the Mediterranean, offers an intriguing mix of the ancient and modern. Images of Phonecians in long tunics and mantles trading goods at the port have given way to happy locals in brightly colored sundresses and espadrilles. The Phoenicians named it Malaka (meaning salt), but the city is…

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Rumba rumbles

Emerging from the poor districts of Havana and Matanzas in the 19th century, today rumba is one of Cuba’s most popular art forms. Influenced by African and Spanish traditions of music and dance, its distinctive, syncopated sound requires masterful musicianship and fierce passion from its performers. But, despite being born of marginalisation and oppression, modern…

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You CAN get there from here

If you're an inquisitive pathfinder, likely your dreams and your aspirations take you all over the map.   But the world is a rather big place.  Wouldn't it be great to be able to spend time being there rather than online, planning? Well, have we got news for you.  We'd especially like to feature our affiliate…

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Who am I? Where am I?

Some people have all the problems.  For example, they live in Paris, not so far from Gare de Nord.  They opt to take a night train.  Luxurious, fast and totally European. But, they wake up suddenly, only to realise that they're in Venice, not three stops down. Tsk.  Such problems. All jokes aside, European rail…

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Star wars

Food fans are aware of where food has gone in the past decade or so.  Between blow-torched puddings to accompaniments made of foam, our ancestors wouldn't know what to make of it all. However, one constant that has always remained with chefs everywhere is the inexhaustible desire to have a Michelin star on the door.  This…

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Sleepless in Seattle

The Pacific Northwest in the United States is rather beautiful, especially if you don't have a problem with rain.  It rains a lot here.  Spring, summer and parts of autumn are lovely, as well, but rain is a defining term for this part of the world. And, as we know, rain fills the land and…

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Geek alert! All about the Airbus A220

We will keep this post short and sweet. It's a video from Airbus describing their new look, specifically for the Airbus A220.  As you may or may not know, the A220 is a plane actually manufactured by Bombardier in Quebec, Canada. However, Bombardier fell into financial distress and now Airbus and the government of Québec have…

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We periodically write about Wales, the oft-forgotten member of the United Kingdom's family.  The country sits in the background, reinventing itself over and over. Once known only for coal and sheep, Wales has been transforming into a destination, as both of those means of putting food on the table are diminishing. The natural path is…

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Irony Curtain

At its heart, Russia is a fabulous place.  With so much history, expansive terrain and the sheer diversity of its population, its lure as a place to visit is often obscured by politics and other kinds of maneuvering. When we talk about history, we must remember that the Soviet era is now history, too.  And,…

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You see Phou Si

Asia has so many wonders, and so much rich and deep history. One that is well-known, but not always on at the top of everyone's list is Mount Phou Si in Laos.  It is a 100 m high hill in the centre of the old town of Luang Prabang in Laos. It lies in the heart of…

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