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North America

North America

Behold! The ancient land of Cahokia

The United States of America is a place of many contrasts.  But, do you think it as of an ancient civilization that - 1000 years ago - had that parties that went on for days?  Likely not.  Thats Mexico, isn't it? Cohokia, was home to the largest pre-columbian city north of Mexico. The city was…

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Border hopping

The modern-day relationship between Canada and the United States has always been a good one.  Nearly always peaceful, the two countries share many similarities:  language, laws, trade and more. Cross-border travel is another.  The width of Canada and the USA are immense, 7069 kilometres from the west to the east, to be exact.  Getting around can…

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Elon Musk is loopy

Well, that Elon Musk is always doing something.  Whether it's the reading the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica at nine years old, selling his first company for $307 million, founding PayPal and creating Tesla automobiles and starting SpaceX to send humanity to infinity and beyond. One of his passions is transportation, and his Hyperloop system is well…

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Sydney to London in 4 hours, 35 minutes, 5 seconds

Meet The New Concorde - Virgin Galactic Mach 3.0 Supersonic Jet. Richard Branson is always pushing the envelope and, in this case, that means literally.  He has already embarked on his edge of space efforts, his land-based Hyperloop  and his resorts and cruises are legend.  But, now he is heading into the next frontier with…

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Hey, groovy cats. Dig this!

This is worth taking a special trip, especially if you love retro mid-century-modern design like we do.   MCR and MORSE Development have reignited the magic of Eero Saarinen’s landmark 1962 TWA Flight Center at JFK Airport, restoring and reimagining it as a first-class hotel. At the center of the hotel is Eero Saarinen’s iconic TWA Flight Center, where restaurants, bars and…

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Starfish and coffee

Prince Rogers Nelson (Prince) was a pretty popular guy when he was still in the land of the living.  He passed away in April 2016 and still leaves quite a considerable legacy. So much so that his home, Paisley Park, an extraordinary estate and production complex in Chanhassen, MN is offering tours. Fans have the…

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Hey, hepcats!

Our town, Vancouver, has many things:  many shops, many sights, many people and  . . . many restaurants, some of which come and go. But, one mainstay - and for good reason - is The Templeton.  Situated on Vancouver's slightly crazy Granville Street, The Templeton diner has been here for decades, serving absolutely delicious diner…

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Quick, come SE

Now, this is something! A new concept widebody aircraft has been unveiled by an Alabama startup. SE Aeronautics (the SE standing for Super Efficient) have reworked the entire concept of an airliner, and revealed an innovative tri-wing aircraft that they say will have an 80% lower carbon footprint than similar traditional planes.  This Super-Efficient subsonic…

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When Josie comes home

Spring, winter, summer or fall, British Columbia, Canada, is always a relaxing and sometimes awe-inspiring destination.  From the mountains to the oceans to the cities, BC will keep you busy with things to do.  While you're there, try the Josie Hotel in Rossland. Located slopeside at RED Mountain Resort, The Josie Hotel unearths Rossland ’s…

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Isle de Granville

Granville Island is a de rigueur activity when you visit Vancouver.  There are dozens of boutique shops, selling things like bespoke art, vodka and ... brooms. The main draw - and in many ways you will draw deep breaths - is the Market.  There are dozens of food stalls, but the main attraction is the…

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Viva Lost Vegas

The term "Mole People" conjures up a lot of urban legend style ideas — but it shouldn’t! Underneath the brightly lit Las Vegas Strip, there’s a not so secret society that’s existed for decades. And according to journalist Matthew O’Brien, who researched the area for 12 years, the tunnels “can be quiet and almost boring…

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Ohio, the prehistoric effigy

Ohio, in the United States, is one of those places that can surprise you.  Primarily focused on agricultural endeavors, it does feature three large metropolitan areas:  Columbus, Cincinnati and Cleveland.  But, it's mostly farmland.  So, it's not surprising that Ohio can hold some . . surprises.  One such feature is the Great Serpent Mound.... The…

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