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Nature & the Environment

Nature & the Environment

Roll out the barrel

Roll out the barrel, and we'll have a barrel of fun says polka master Frankie Yankovic. But in this case, we're talking about real drinking (tequila) in a real barrel (where you will sleep.) You may even do both in the same place. Can you think of anything more perfect? The Matices…

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Turkey’s underground

We always get thrilled when we hear of another groundbreaking (literally and figuratively) archaeological excavation. Due to technology, they're happening ever more frequently with sometimes stunning quality. Situated in southeastern Turkey, the subterranean city of Matiate has recently been unearthed and is truly gasp-inducing in its size and quality. To give you an…

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What on Earth day??

Mother Earth is still fighting the good fight, despite so many of us giving her a hard time. She keeps warning us, but many of us are still not listening. And if things keep going the way that they are, there won't be any rooms where she will send us when we've misbehaved:…

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Copenhagen mountain

One of the things we like to expose and promote here is interesting architecture and its even more interesting usage. With the elastic and durable materials that architects have at their fingertips now, the sky is the limit. In this case - literally. We imagine that many of you were terrified when you…

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Come as you are

If you're the shy type, then you might want to look away now. This article is about naturism. Naturism is a lifestyle of practising non-sexual social nudity in private and in public; the word also refers to the cultural movement which advocates and defends that lifestyle. Both may alternatively be called nudism. Though the two terms are broadly interchangeable, nudism emphasizes…

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Tashkent – heaven sent

Say what you will about Social Media, one thing that it's done (well) is to open our eyes and minds to places that we may not have heard of, or perhaps have heard of but have not seen. Even if you consider yourself well-travelled, you can be sure that you've probably just scratched the…

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Adios, Covid. Now, it’s time to work

We could be wrong, but it feels like Covid is on the decline and that we can again breath a collective sigh of relief, pun intended. But, to be sure, it's not gone completely so be safe out there, as they say. And, as thanks, we can start to live our lives again but,…

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Glamping, not cramping, your style

Camping is one of those love it / hate it propositions. Most of us are not in love with mosquitos. And, even in the summer, sleeping on the ground in a tent can be a lumpy and cold prospect. But, to be sure, the outdoor locations are usually mind-bogglingly beautiful, and you…

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Moosewood good

We're not too young here at Matouring, so we remember things. Back in the 1970's, the "earth" movement really took hold. Healthy food, lifestyle and clean thoughts were at the top of the list for most "aware" folks back then. Out of that heady period came a genuine interest in making the…

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When normal just won’t do

There are thousands of hotels around the world who will give you what you want. But what if you don't know what you want, or want something completely different? We have a suggestion. Offering rooms and suites set in large caves, Le Grotte della Civita is located in the Matera's Sassi area, a…

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Where you can embroider sarcastic opinions

You may recall that some time back, we created a post on Tollund Man. In 1950, the Tollund man was found in a peat bog west of Silkeborg. The interesting thing about Tollund man is that he was preserved in peat and was in incredibly good condition when found. He was also accompanied by…

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It’s crystal clear

Despite all that (most) people and companies try to do to save the planet, we're still on the path of no return unless we pull our collective fingers out and get it together. The most bothersome thing is that we have most of the technology and the knowledge. But it's the willpower (or…

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Art is everywhere

As you travel, you're almost always surprised and delighted when, in the least likely of places, a house or an office or some form of public works stuns you with its beauty or originality. In today's world of cookie-cutter homes and offices, we're thankful when an art lover with money collides with designers who…

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