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Life of Luxury

Life of Luxury

Magic portal

There can never be enough opportunities to reach out:  to family, friends, initiatives.  It is critical to us, as humans.  But, sometimes it is difficult, if not impossible to do so.  But, a creative and enterprising group, the Benediktas Gylys Foundation bring new thinking to being together. For the first time in history, countries and…

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Want to get high?

Actually - this is what we meant by getting high. (Photo: Alberto Pinto) With big success comes big responsibility - and big toys.  The Boeing 747 BBJ is the world’s largest private jet. With only a handful of examples in the world, it’s a rare bird. Even rarer is the Parisian design house Alberto Pinto-designed…

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Pwn a piece of the Rock

New York, New York.  It might be the city that never sleeps, but it is also the city that never gets boring, either.  It is like a living organism that seems to regenerate at every turn. But, there are some perennial things that never change, such as the thrill of looking down from the Empire…

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Take the last train to Wales

This is astounding.  It almost defies belief, but the Chinese are behind it, so it could very well happen.  Their abilities are legend. China wants to build a $200 billion underwater train to the United States. The China-Russia-Canada-America line would be the most expensive megaproject in history and take years to complete. The biggest engineering…

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Picasso between the sheets

If this story doesn't describe the European zeitgeist, then very few will.  As you likely know, Pablo Picasso had an insatiable appetite for life.  And he painted a bit, too. But now, a canvas bequeathed to Greece by Pablo Picasso will return on display at the freshly updated Greek National Gallery in Athens after its…

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Flying underground

Las Vegas is always an explosion of over-the-top showmanship, high technology and - well, more, more more! If you're a business person, you might have visited for one of their legendary conventions.  And you may have had to traipse from one building to another in the scorching Nevada sun.  Well, they have come up with…

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Right, said Fred

We're happy to announce that Matouring is now an affiliate of Fred Olsen cruises. One of the things we like about Fred Olsen is the playful approach they have to cruises and touring.  They're a not the biggest name in the cruise industry, but being family-run, they can do things the way they want, and…

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Things could get Messi

Can you believe this?  On June 14, 2021, the Hard Rock venues turned 50 and that doesn’t happen every day. To mark this day, they want to share with you their new campaign. It is built on the principles that have guided Hard Rock since the beginning – providing a fresh approach and a call…

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We're very excited to welcome a new affiliate friend, one who has always been a favourite of not only much of Europe, but also of the smarter half of the team. We are, of course, talking about Desigual.  As they say themselves, "In reality, Desigual isn’t a brand. It’s a group of people who believe…

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Italy: back in black

You may not think of Italy as a particularly diverse country, but its history includes a Black Roman emperor, Septimus Severus, and, in the 19thcentury, colonies in the North African countries now known as Eritrea and Ethiopia (from where Italians’ beloved caffè originates). I arrived here from New York two years ago, and have found…

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Brescia refresher

Raise your hands, those of you who have visited Brescia, Italy. If you haven't, let us assist you in exploring this rich and varied place. Brescia is a city and comune in the region of Lombardy, Northern Italy. It is situated at the foot of the Alps, a few kilometers from the lakes Garda and Iseo. With a…

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China: rail on a roll

China is a country that doesn't mess around.  With almost 1.4 billion people living in the country, things have to function smoothly, or chaos will inevitably ensue. Evidence of this is that almost 700 km of new metro and tram lines and extensions were opened in 15 Chinese cities during the closing weeks of 2020.…

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The Isle of fire

We're talkin' about Nyoo Yawk, here, so listen up. Most people have heard about Long Island, New York.  Just a short train ride from Manhattan, it is a world unto itself.  It was once - and in many ways, still is - the essence of Bohemian.  But, the ocean-side mansions also are there, so that's…

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Simon McLaren has left the building

As far as we know, this much is true.  And, it's related to a travel company called Blade, hence it appearing here.  They rent  helicopter, seaplane and or jet services, mostly in New York City.  And there was an employee there named Simon McLaren, who was the company's spokesman. When journalist Gabrielle Bluestone called the…

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Bumbling forward into the unknown*

The 72 steps to the Philadelphia Museum of Art may well rank among the most famous stairways of the past century. Charged by a sweaty Sly Stallone in the 1976 hit Rocky, this majestic ascent has long inspired visitors to make the climb to the hilltop 1928 landmark, an assemblage of Greek-temple forms in golden-hued limestone. But…

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You can leave your hat on

So a pickpocket went to a nudist beach... He hated it.... We would imagine that there are some people who, after being held captive in their homes due to the pandemic, are looking for a way to break free.  Even if it simply means walking outside without a mask. Likely though, there are those who want…

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Motor through Kotor

When you think of the Balkans, Montenegro doesn't often spring to mind for many people.  In fact, most would struggle to even identify it on a map. And that's a shame, as it has as many mind-blowing features as some of its cousins (Split, Belgrade, etc) and deserves your attention. One approach is to hire…

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The Mercadona mystery

If you've been to Spain (and if you haven't, get going!) you'll likely recognise the name Mercadona.  It is one of the country's largest grocery chains. As you probably know, many companies (like us, for example) assemble their names by concatenating one or more words together into something recognisable, but not a "real" word. Some have wondered…

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