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Careful: Don’t be Ivory Toast

....on the Ivory coast. No surprise here. Crocodiles pull in the crowds. But don't let them pull you in, too, literally, as delicious as you think you look. Everyone loves a show, so please meet Félix Houphouët-Boigny, affectionately called Papa Houphouët or Le Vieux, (1905–1993) was a prominent Ivorian politician…

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Santa Laura Saltpeter

Off we go again today, searching for - and delivering - another reason to visit our site regularly. So, as lovely and as unforgettable as they are, how many times can you visit Venice or Paris? Or, perhaps better said, how many times do you think you might want to skip Venice or…

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Sandoy Joy

Life's simple pleasures are the best, especially when Mother Nature puts hurdles in your way and you find a way around it. In this post, the hurdle was rather huge: millions of years of rock and water, all part of living in Sandoy, the first of the five southern islands that make up…

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Getting a little personal. . .

We recently stumbled upon this video from ohAFRO and were rather taken aback. Firstly, the title is rather, shall we say, straightforward. Nothing wrong with that, we guess. But we still thought it was a wee bit brazen. Nonetheless, the channel posted it on YouTube, so they must know what they're…

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Stone Botherings

In this post, we focus on Europe and more specifically, the UK. We write about these places a lot simply because the UK and Europe are top travel locations. (For reference here, England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom, UK.) It shares land borders with Wales to…

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