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Ahead of the curve

As of 26 March, 2021, there are two pieces of welcome news for British people looking to buy an overseas property or prepare a home for rental. From March 29th the ‘reasonable excuses to travel’ abroad allows journeys from the UK ‘in connection with the purchase, sale, letting or rental of a residential property’. This…

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Blast resort

As of this writing, the dark Covid clouds are starting to disappear and people are dreaming about traveling again.  And, many are looking forward to all-inclusive resorts. While some travelers look at all-inclusive resorts as an exciting opportunity to let all their normal rules and restrictions go hang, others may find the bounty overwhelming, even…

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“Be” adventures

At the time of this writing, the world is starting to look forward to a Covid-free future.  Governments are - mostly -  doing their jobs and protecting their citizens. It will come as no surprise that many of those citizens want to travel, once more.  The pent-up demand will help to save not only cash-strapped…

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Highly caffeinated things to do at airports

There are few things worse than a four-hour layover at the airport while you're salivating to get to your destination.  How many times can you walk past the magazine stand? In some countries, such as the UK, there are people known as "anoraks" who pace up and down the long - and usually crowded -…

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Euro is go!

Most countries have had their ups and downs with the Covid-19 pandemic, much of based on the behaviour of its citizens.  Europe has more complex factors to consider, especially since it is comprised of 27 separate countries, with almost as many languages and - even more - 27 potential cultural ways of approaching critical situations…

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The chain in Spain

It is no surprise that one of the most enjoyable and diverse ways of getting regular exercise is bicycling.  In addition to the benefits of stretching those muscles and filling those lungs, you also have the benefit of discovering new locales - maybe with a pub at the end of the journey. Europe has always…

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When Josie comes home

Spring, winter, summer or fall, British Columbia, Canada, is always a relaxing and sometimes awe-inspiring destination.  From the mountains to the oceans to the cities, BC will keep you busy with things to do.  While you're there, try the Josie Hotel in Rossland. Located slopeside at RED Mountain Resort, The Josie Hotel unearths Rossland ’s…

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Don’t pretend to be: be!

A devastating loss can shatter the façade we put up for others, exposing our deepest, rawest self. A work of art can do the same. Don’t show off! Don’t pretend to be, be!’ The piercing voice of my stern ballet teacher with the stick and the square glasses still echoes in my mind. These two…

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Bohemian, like you

I'm getting vibes.... We'd like to introduce you to West Bohemia, a region filled with charm and chances to dig deeper into Czech culture. West Bohemia – two hours west of Prague – includes three cities that are all about health and wellness: Karlovy Vary - the well-known wellness destination of free-flowing mineral springs, founded…

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Poetic Ayurvedic

Known as a wellness and Ayurvedic destination, Sri Lanka is once again welcoming international tourists after reopening its borders. Anantara Kalutara Resort is launching signature treatments created by French chiropodist and “foot virtuoso” Bastien Gonzalez, called the Pedi:Mani:Cure Studio. The treatments are performed by chiropodists and specialized therapists using the premier Bastien Gonzalez product line…

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Slow boat o’ Kyoto

Hoshinoya Kyoto is a beautiful Kyoto ryokan, situated away from the crowds, in an place of tranquil scenery that continues to bedazzle travelers. Arashiyama is one of the most singular of scenic locations in Kyoto. Many international tourists who visit hope to to see the seasonal scenery, and the locale is brimming with visitors year-round.…

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Here’s a Van plan, man

Our home town, Vancouver, in addition to being one of the most livable cities in the world, also has some rather fabulous places to stay if you're just visiting. Executive Hotels and Resorts are based here and have some delectable properties for your choosing. Whether zipping through the mountains of Squamish and Whistler, prowling through…

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No, that can’t be right.

‘Your answers on this questionnaire suggest moderate to severe depression,’ I said gently. ‘Can I ask how long that’s been going on?’ My client, a middle-aged, widowed military veteran with chronic back pain, looked taken aback. ‘Depression?’ he repeated, in a voice of disbelief. ‘No, that can’t be right. I can’t be depressed.’ ‘I’m sorry,’…

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Staycation situation

It appears, despite our best wishes, 2021 is also going to be the summer of staycations as restrictions against non-essential foreign travel continue for the foreseeable future. Naturally, the recent government crackdowns on international travel have sparked a surge in online searches. Searches on Airbnb for summer staycations more than quadrupled in comparison to the…

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Ein Hausboot ist gut

Ein Hausboot ist gut = A houseboat is good As arctic temperature froze rivers and lakes in northern Germany, workers at houseboat charter companies were already gearing up for what they expect to be a busy summer season. "I think that big trips abroad and flying will still not be the dominant type of vacation…

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Flock to Auckland

You are probably well-aware of what New Zealand, and their dynamic Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, have done to stem Covid-19 infections.  There were periods where the country had no active cases at all.  And they still are a leading country when it comes to maintaining the safety. That's why it's a bit disappointing to see…

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