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Guam is da bomb

Usually, when we think of the USA, we think of corn fields, Mount Rushmore, NYC and Yellowstone.  Hawaii comes to mind just as often, and rightly so. But, we know that our intrepid readers are often on the lookout for something different, perhaps a bit exotic, but certainly unique enough that they can show off their…

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If you're a walker, we have some good news for you, indeed. Romania is in the midst of building a 1,400km walking / hiking trail traversing the entire country. The Via Transilvanica will stretch from the country’s northern border all the way to the south and the Danube, at the crossroads of Central, Eastern and Southeastern…

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Top considerations when booking flights

One word:  Stroopwafels.* People are a real mixed bag. Some of us like to talk to your seatmate on a plane, while others prefer to bury their nose in a book. Some people like a window seat, while others insist on the aisle. But you know what everyone is into on the plane? Snacks! The…

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You want stuff? We’ve got stuff.

"One man's junk is another man's treasure" as they say.   Do you like stuff?  If you find yourself in the southern United States (North Carolina in this instance,) head over to The Raleigh Market .  Prepare to spend the day, as the market has more than 500 vendors with vintage items, collectibles and more. The…

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Fish party

Pull up some sand and wait for the customers to arrive - in this case, they're  octopuses, moray eels, turtles and more. In a nightly event, at Dharavandhoo’s harbour in the Maldives, the sea creatures come in an orderly fashion to dine on the delights of the deep. From May to November, Dharavandhoo is the…

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There’s a Python in your shrubbery

We love Monty Python.  At the age of 12 we rolled on the floor, in hysterics, wondering what they would do next.  Our Welsh father never got it, but we did. Times changed and so did Python.  They went their separate ways, almost all going on to further successes and fortunes. Michael Palin, however, branched off to…

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Tenacity city

ACHIEVEMENT IS A CHOICE We won't wax here on about working hard.  That is a personal choice and who are we to say?  It has its ups and downs.  It's not for everyone.  And there is no shame in simply being who you are, ambitious or not. In China, though, there is an entire city of go-getters.…

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If you're a regular reader here at Matouring, you'll know how much we love London.  We lived there and explored nearly every nook and cranny of that most celebrated of cities.  And every time we return, we find new gems to squeal about. One activity that you may not think about when in The Smoke is…

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Today's world is getting ever more intense . . . and tense.  Between Covid-19, Mother Earth pushing back on our bad behaviour, just general bad behavior of the "ultra haves" versus the have-nots, and work and home pressures, the temptation to "lose it" is often dangling in front of our noses. But, some cultures look…

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Yes darling, but is it art?

Creativity takes courage, that's for certain. It's one thing if you send your masterpiece to your friends and family, but it's another thing entirely if you bare yourself to the world. That being said, some of the best artists were laughed at in their early days, and now we spend millions to buy them and…

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Sing a song of Shetland

We would expect that many of you have watched the excellent and riveting police drama, Shetland, on Netflix (or other providers.)  Unlike many police series, Shetland seems to have a base in genuine kindness and thoughts of well-being for others, rather than just a hail of bullets like so many other shows. Shetland itself is an…

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Cycle, with meaning

Sorry, we meant Roughlee. Near Nelson, Lancashire, UK a refuge built in 1912 for mill workers to meet in nature is still open to cyclists for tea and leftwing sympathy. You can clearly see Clarion House from high up on the ridge between Barrowford and Roughlee. Not only because it stands alone on a green…

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Wales on rails

Wales, UK, is a place near and dear to our hearts, here at Matouring.  Often forgotten or misunderstood when compared to larger-than-life London, Manchester, Liverpool and Brighton as destinations, Wales offers a quieter side to the UK.  Green, lush with mountains and valleys that are second to none, if you haven't been to Wales, put…

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Travel with porpoise

What lovely animals, the dolphins.  Gentle, smart, quick, adaptive and friendly.  They seem to have a genuine love of humans.  You just want to kiss them.  Well, here's the next best thing. Get up close to dolphins on this fantastic 9-hour snorkel trip from Hurghada, Egypt. Enjoy a boat cruise to areas in the open sea…

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Wowee . . Malawi!

Many of us dream of trips to Africa (and some of us have been lucky to do so.)  Big names like Kenya, Botswana and Zambia are always at the forefront of African journeys.  But, Malawi as a destination is still standing somewhat in the shadows, waiting for a turn. Take a lakeside trip like none…

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There is no “we” in ice cream.

We don't know about you, but sometimes we pause and marvel at what amazing machines we are, we humans.  How many automobiles or airplanes live past sixty years?  How many of our fellow creatures on this earth drive those cars or fly those jets?  Makes you think, doesn't it? And why do we live so…

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OMG . . LA is so HOLLOW

Los Angeles is often painted as being a vain and vapid place.  All looks and no substance.  Bring your alibis.  (We rather like the place.) But, to be honest, some of LA is, indeed hollow and in some places, shallow.  Some of its buildings, in fact. And they hide an interesting and still relevant and…

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Yes you can Canberra

Sydney is a hard act to follow, when it comes to being in the league of World's Best Cities.  If you've been, you'll never forget it.  If you haven't been, well what are you waiting for? But, Sydney is not the only notable city in Oz.   Meet Canberra – Purpose built as Australia’s capital city, Canberra…

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Camino de Poutine-o

In addition to its other many allures, Canada cannot escape the universal tagging of poutine.  (In case you're not up to date, poutine is a sumptuous Canadian concoction made of french fries, gravy and cheese curds.  It's addictive)  Not that we Candians complain, but c'mon now, there is more to the country than just that. For…

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