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Tashkent – heaven sent

Say what you will about Social Media, one thing that it's done (well) is to open our eyes and minds to places that we may not have heard of, or perhaps have heard of but have not seen. Even if you consider yourself well-travelled, you can be sure that you've probably just scratched the…

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Let it all hang out

Nothing like walking along a beach and then - hey presto! - finding out that it's for nudists. That happened to us here in Vancouver, of all places. Luckily, our sunglasses were in place and covered our eyes even if they didn't hide our embarassment. We're not prudes, by any stretch -…

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Glamping, not cramping, your style

Camping is one of those love it / hate it propositions. Most of us are not in love with mosquitos. And, even in the summer, sleeping on the ground in a tent can be a lumpy and cold prospect. But, to be sure, the outdoor locations are usually mind-bogglingly beautiful, and you…

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When normal just won’t do

There are thousands of hotels around the world who will give you what you want. But what if you don't know what you want, or want something completely different? We have a suggestion. Offering rooms and suites set in large caves, Le Grotte della Civita is located in the Matera's Sassi area, a…

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Sleep with the fishes

When you mention "sleeping with the fishes," back in the days of Al Capone, Bonnie and Clyde and George "Baby Face" Nelson, you might be able to get what we mean. Not something that you would aspire to. No, it means something entirely different from our intentions here. When we say sleep…

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All is well in Sanibel.

If you know Florida, USA, you'll likely know Miami Beach, Orlando, Fort Lauderdale, St. Petersburg etc.  Chances are you've been to one or more of these sunny cities. But what about the destinations that are bubbling under?  There are just as many worthy spots that aren't in the top ten. One of which is Sanibel…

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Machu who?

Certainly one of the most memorable and identifable places in the world, Peru's Machu Picchu doesn't need much introduction.  But for those who are unaware or need a refresher, Machu Picchu is the site of an ancient Inca city, high in the Andes of Peru. Located at 2,430m (8,000 ft), this UNESCO World Heritage site is often referred to…

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