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For Women Only

For Women Only

In tune in Thun

Thun, Switzerland. Many, many, many years ago, your editor was a part-time software consultant, and a part-time musician. As one benefit of the latter career, I was fortunate enough to tour Europe, making music over a number of separate tours. Even though I had been to the UK many, many times, the music…

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Saving Canada’s oldest Chinese temple

Vancouver, Canada is where we live. It is a relatively new city, even though it is still about 137 years old. Founded in 1886, and like any city, it has a chequered past, as one group of people after another passes through the fledgling community over the decades. Some came to dismantle the forests…

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Antibes: your Liebe?

Years ago, when your editor was a wee sprog, I discovered progressive rock music. One of the leading promoters of that genre was Richard Branson's Virgin records. Those of you of a certain age will certainly remember Tubular Bells: Sir Richard brought that most amazing event / LP to the public. …

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Vermont Jaunt

The USA gets lots of press, pretty much every day. Some good, some bad. And sometimes the actions of the US Government taint US citizens, whether they agree or not. That happens with many countries, of course, but the US's fingers are long, deep and pervasive, as well as persuasive. But, of…

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Come here, my dear. Do not fear The Sphere.

We've been to Las Vegas many times and, despite our Puritan feelings of guilt, we never fail to have a good time there. Sure, it's insane (using that word in its correct context) and OTT (over the top,) and the powers that be there always have a knack to conjure up something new that…

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Hey presto! You’re now in Assisi

Behold another installment of our "Hey Presto!" series of posts. This is where you can sit back, pour your desired beverage and vicariously live the lives of everyday people going about their days, doing everyday activities. These "Hey Presto!" posts make it easy for you to tour the world from the comfort of…

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