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Food and Drink

Food and Drink

Chateau bravo!

With their lofty towers, glittering ballrooms, geometric gardens and all that gilded finery, no one does castles better than France. From the Dordogne’s renaissance piles flanked by dusty olive groves and pretty hilltop villages to the turret-studded landscape of the Loire Valley, French châteaux are a brilliant display of the country’s rich architectural and cultural…

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The environment makes our characters. (Japanese proverb.) A large number of Japanese companies have instituted telecommuting policies over the past few weeks, under the logic that the crowded conditions of commuter trains and enclosed offices are high-risk environments for the transmission of coronavirus. However, with Japanese houses and apartments being decidedly on the small side,…

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Monster appetite

Renowned for its boutique alpine dining scene, Panorama Mountain Resort is kicking things up a notch with the addition of the first snowcat food truck in Canada. The Snowlicious Mobile Kitchen, a Prinoth snow groomer equipped with professional kitchen, will roam between licensed locations on the mountain and offer a casual alfresco experience right on…

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You should eat this one food

If you’re directing all of your skincare attention on the serums you use, you’re missing a golden opportunity to get the best skin of your life — by simply eating. The trick is incorporating healthy foods that contain the kinds of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that will keep your skin hydrated and firm. This is…

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Indian food you’ve never heard of

At Café Lota, Head Chef Udit Maheshwari is on a mission to introduce diners to regional Indian cuisine they may have never sampled before. The outdoor café at the National Crafts Museum in New Delhi specializes in lesser-known dishes, like chingri kamranga khatta (prawn curry with star fruit), a guava vegetable dish, and a curry…

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Gourmet cooking in the wild

I’ve tried to be a lightweight backpacker, packing my bag with energy bars that look like they came out of a toilet and dehydrated meals that have the consistency of plaster. It didn’t last. When packing, I think of what J.R.R. Tolken wrote in The Hobbit: “If more of us valued food and cheer and song…

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Hungary? Here’s where to eat

Not only Budapest has restaurants that offer gastronomical specialities anymore. Many rural cities have restaurants, bistros, confectionaries with menus listing both traditional dishes and local delicacies. There is a gastro-revolution happening, with new generation restaurants opening up in more and more places. While it may have started in downtown Budapest, other Hungarian cities are closely…

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The art of coffee

Famous Saudi coffee roasters Elixir Bunn opened their new location in Riyadh, designed by Azaz Architects. After building a strong reputation for their coffee, it was time to build an atmosphere to complement their famous drinks. Coffee in Saudi Arabia is well-rooted into the local culture and could be traced back to times prior to the…

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