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Make lunch, not war

Even better than the real thing. The annual festival of Els Enfarinats (Valencian pronunciation: [elz amfaɾiˈnats]) takes place in the town of Ibi in Alicante, Spain on December 28,[1] as part of celebrations related to the Day of the Innocents. Els enfarinats comes from the Valencian word for "breading", and roughly translate to "the breaded ones" or "the floured ones". In the day-long festival, participants known…

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What’s love got to do with it?

 Shakespeare could have a field-day with this. This abandoned house looms a salt marsh, its pale pink paint looking like a mirror of the colorful sunsets that so often streak the sky.  It’s a celebrated local landmark, one with a definite air of mystery and romance. But the picturesque house’s story is not at all romantic. A local…

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Plane train

Despite covid and all of the fistfights we hear about nowadays, air travel is still a marvelous thing.  Spectacular locations matched to state-of--the art-aircraft are still the thing of dreams.   Wouldn't it be nice if we could go forward and and backward at the same time?   If you're one of those romantic types, read on here... courtesy…

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No tell Motel

It always seems like "what goes around, comes around."  The new new. The latest and greatest are not really the latest.  They've been around the block before.  Been there, done that. But, sometimes that's not a bad thing, especially if the old new is new old, if you know what we mean. In this case, our subject…

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Ærø …dynamic!

It can be done. It can be done. The tiny Danish Island of Ærø was awarded the designation of the EU’s most sustainable island. All it takes is willpower. The island has been experimenting with renewable energy since the 1970s, and today, produces more electricity than it uses. Watch the BBC video below that demonstrates…

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Bangkok walks!

A marvelous thing about our world and our planet (with all of its residents) is how much change happens every minute of every day.  Not all of it is necessarily good, but there is so much good in humanity that, sometimes, it's nice to simply celebrate the good. For example, Bangkok is a sprawling, diverse and…

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Fly the friendly skies of DIY Airlines

As the old phrase goes, "there's no getting around getting around."  We've all got to do it. Sometimes it's a pain, other times it's a pleasure.  Sometimes you have no choice. Getting around has been a real challenge during these times of the Covid-19 pandemic.  So much so, that many of us have simply opted not…

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лед лед Ana (Ice ice Ana)

лед лед Ana. (ice ice Ana.) In 1993 the 2,500-year-old mummified remains of a woman were discovered in the frozen Ukok Plateau in Siberia. Known as the 'Ukok Princess' or the 'Ice Maiden' in the media, she is thought to be one of the most significant archaeological finds of the 20th Century. Watch the video, below, courtesy…

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Been green

We often have - often romantic - visions of the Sahara desert as a "destination" for our travels.  And rightly so,  as its wonders are legend and plentiful.  But it takes a certain kind of traveler to do that. But, this singular place on earth was not always the stark vision that we have in our…

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Pssst . . spread the word

Having worked in the travel industry, we know the complexity of buying airline tickets.  Supercomputers crunch numbers from (sometimes) thousands of travel suppliers, with literally millions of possible flight combinations. How do you even hope to get an edge?  Well, there are a plethora of "experts" out there who will be happy to provide advice .…

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São Paulo es la leche!

São Paulo es la leche! = São Paulo is the milk! Welcome to one of the world’s most populated cities. Check out the best spots to visit in Brazil’s exciting hub of business, culture, creativity and hospitality. São Paulo is the largest city in Brazil, with a city population of about 12 million and almost 22 million in its…

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Left high and dry

The planet is in trouble. We keep hoping that we'll be writing less and less about how the earth is being decimated by human beings.  But, so far, that just isn't happening.  Between the floods and the fires and other related disasters, things don't seem to be changing. So, witness another example of this trend in…

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Bags are a drag

Travel is wonderful / a nightmare.  For every delightful aspect, you'll find an equally annoying one.  And, surely one of the most frustrating is dragging your luggage around. Well, we're quite pleased to introduce you to a new affilliate friend, Radical Storage. They provide travellers with luggage storage solutions so that you can enjoy your holiday…

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Bonjour, eh?

In Canada, we move at our own pace. It doesn’t take long to drive around this tiny French territory of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, but it’s taken what seems like forever to get here. The new car ferry between a southern Newfoundland community and the last remnant of France’s once vast North American colony began operating in August,…

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Hi. Checking or check-in?

All companies, including airlines, just love to make money whenever and wherever they can.  They're creative, and look for any tie-ins that they can to squeeze that little extra out. The video, below, is a really good discussion of airlines selling miles to banks, generating most of their profit from frequent flyer programs rather than…

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You’re on track: DIY rail opus

If you visit our site often, you'll know how much we love trains and the railways.  In these days of a worrisome climatic future, and the growth of the global population and diminishing resources, we need to be efficient.  Rail is just that . . and more. Recently, probably the longest train trip has been…

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Roamin’ palace

In certain parts of the world, history sometimes pops up out of nowhere, to the point of where you can literally trip over it.  Europe is certainly one of those places:  tread carefully, as you might be standing on a 6th century prince. In 1960 a man was laying a water pipe underneath the quaint…

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Wherefore art now?

This may sound trite, but art is art, isn't it?  Artists follow their muse to amaze / amuse / surprise us with what the human mind can conjure up.  We may not always "get it" but there never seems to be a shortage of those who create something compelling. Interestingly, there are also those who…

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It is almost certain that you recently interacted closely with an invisible giant, as the Harvard landscape ecologist Richard T T Forman has described it. Others have called roads ‘the single most destructive element in the process of habitat fragmentation’, declaring that ‘Few forces have been more influential in modifying the Earth than transportation.’  But, the engineering…

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