We don’t know about you, but the excitement and buildup to a trip is always enervating and exciting. But then, you get on your plane, fly to your destination, hobble down the stairs and into the terminal and then . . . wherever you go, your holiday is reset by jet lag. There are some superhumans who can overcome this most dreaded malaise, but those numbers are low.

So what’s a traveler to do? Well, start here by reading some sage advice by a sage traveler and one of the most interesting travel writers extant, Gary Leff. The man flies a lot and has assembled a huge volume of articles on travel, especially focusing on how best to use your credit cards to compile points, which can then be turned – magically – into airline tickets and more. So, we are also lucky to share with you Gary’s tips on how to save your holiday by beating jetlag. Click here.

You can always take it easy and let Holiday Extras take away the grief. Click here to set yourself free!

Why not relax when you travel? Lounge Pass makes your trip a joy. Click here to reserve.