We’ve traveled a lot. We love it. We’ve visited dozens and dozens of locations around the world, big and small. some were as exactly amazing as you might think. Others were a bit of a disappointment. But one thing that has struck us in our travels is that, while the locations and the activities are top notch, often the accommodations are – well, humdrum. We understand that most people are looking for a “nice” place to stay, not too expensive and, you know . . . just what you’d expect. Fair enough, and the hotel chains do a very good job at that. But, in all honesty, pity the poor business warrior, dragging themselves from bland hotel to bland hotel. (That was us in our days of being travel professionals.) We’re not complaining, only wondering if there is a better way. We always ask ourself that question when we create content here for our site. We always look for the unusual.
So, if you combine that goal with our sense of humour and adventure, may we present an accommodation that we think ticks all of the boxes: the Wigwam Motel in San Bernardino, California. And, it’s exactly what it says on the packaging: A landmark on historic Route 66, the Wigwam Motel offers individual rooms shaped like tee-pees, with modern features like cable TV.

The Wigwam Motel is a throwback in time in the absolute best way. Click here to look and book.

Completely up-to-date on the inside, click here thrill yourself (and the kids) with something new… and old.

Heck, why not rent an RV for the rest of the trip? Make it a true adventure. Click here to book.

The future is now. Take a curated, self-driving windmill tour with an app and audio instructions from the comfort of your own vehicle. Click here to explore the evolution of wind turbines on a private wind farm.

Roadtrippers can help you plan your trip: maps, things to do and more. Try it for free. Click here.