Aleutian nations. Geddit? As always, we here at Matouring do our very best to bring you new and interesting travel options. The world is full of them and – even with our thousands of posts – Matouring has only scratched the surface (of the earth) and we awaken every morning, looking forward to sharing our latest finds. And here is one that is truly a hidden gem, but it’s not for everyone. You definitely need to be an outdoors person for this destination.

The Aleutian Islands. They’re big, they’re many and, in many cases, they’re not well-known. Also called the Aleut Islands or Aleutic Islands and known before 1867 as the Catherine Archipelago, are a chain of 14 large volcanic islands and 55 smaller islands. Most of the Aleutian Islands belong to the U.S. state of Alaska, but some belong to the Russian federal subject of Kamchatka Krai: in today’s nuclear political climate (2023) it must be an even more challenging situation for the residents. But the beauty may act as a balm to soothe the frayed political nerves. And, even now, that situation is an echo of its war-torn past. Read more about its history here.

Our affiliate friends Viator can get you up close at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center Click here.

You may be in the wilderness, but comfort is nearby. The luxurious Alyeska Resort. Click here to book.

Hertz have the kinds of vehicles you might want in Alaska. Click here to look and book.

We recommend Expedia for flights. They have the selection and customer service. Click here to book.