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A straight run to Cinnabon

When you land at an airport, there often only seems to be two states of being once you arrive:  “run-run-run” or “languish-for -hours.” 

How many times can you walk up and down the concourse before losing your mind?  Or how fast (and how far) and which gate do you need to run to in order to get a coffee before you leap on to your next flight?

Well, help is on the way.  A company called LotusLabs is creating technology to map airports and give you the information you need on your mobile device.

“Welcome to Chicago! It takes about 9 minutes to get to Gate B3,” read a text message I recently received from United Airlines.

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Best Buy kiosks are in almost every airport. Hoorah! Click above for ideas.
Learn a new language with Rosetta Stone. Works on any device. Click above.