We have a real find here for you in this place. Once you stay, you’ll never want to go back to an everyday hotel again. The Dive Bar, Motel & Swim Club in Nashville, Tennessee. You may be too young to remember places like this. Or, perhaps you’re too old to remember. Or maybe you’ve forgotten how much fun the 1960’s and 1970’s were. This place is 150% fun from start to finish. In addition to the time warp, throwback décor (we actually remember this) all of the 23 uniquely designed rooms are different and comes with a custom Party Switch that activates a disco ball and Dive Radio. Yes – we said disco ball.

When we first caught a glimpse of the photos and read more about this zany place, we’re looking at booking, already. One other factor that adds to the allure is that, as mentioned above, it’s in Nashville, the home of Country Music, so even if you’re not a fan, there will be plenty for you to do. Grab your Hot Tub Club robe, a bev from the bar, and head down to the pool deck to soak in style. The pool, hot tub, and sauna are open to motel guests from 9 am – Sundown, daily. No pool pass is required for guests. Public passes are available for $25 Mon – Fri | $35 Sat – Sun. The pool ain’t heated: Swim at your own risk. The Dive Motel & Swim Club is open to all and is a safe space for everyone. Good vibes only.

Get your big hair ready and jump into that pool. Click here to book.

It’s the USA. You’ll need a car. Hertz is the answer. Click here.

How about a chopper ride over Nashville. Hee haw! Click here to book.