We say this all the time; we like to look for the unusual when in comes to travel. And it’s only when you travel a lot that you can really compare apples to apples. For most of us, the travel procedure is usually simply searching for the destination, purchasing the tickets and then, well . . . showing up. Bish bash bosh. Job done. But, as you’ll gather by the initial paragraph, there’s more to the planet and, of course, more to this post. And, here we will focus on Roatán. Does the name ring a bell? No, well Roatán is a rather singular island located off the northern coast of Honduras. It is the largest of the Bay Islands, which also include Utila and Guanaja.
In addition to the standard water-based activities that you might expect, the country prides itself on its Conservation of the island’s natural resources, including its coral reefs and marine ecosystems, is a priority for local authorities and environmental organizations. One of the big thrills for those who love flying and, even more, flying into unusual airports, Visitors can reach Roatán by air or sea. The island has an international airport, Juan Manuel Gálvez International Airport, with flights connecting to major cities in North America and Central America. Additionally, there are ferry services from the Honduran mainland and neighboring Bay Islands. But, check out the video above and behold the variety of air-based activities that take place in Roatán, courtesy of some true avgeeks.

Note: one particular activity that you might enjoy is to dive or snorkel and explore the Underwater Museum of Roatán, an art installation located off the coast. This unique attraction features a series of submerged sculptures created by local artists, serving as artificial reefs to promote marine life and coral growth.

Booking.com have flights, too. Click here to book to Roatán. Go Airbus!

Wow, how about that view? Stay at the Paradise Beach Hotel. Click here to book your bit of heaven.