You use the trains: kudos to you! Spread the word. They’re usually fast, comfortable, plenty of stops, not too expensive to use and mostly on time. Sure, maybe you might have the periodic event where the rail infrastructure simply melts for a few hours (hopefully due to lots of usage) but it always comes back again, ready to serve you. But there are other kinds of rail problems that are harder to diagnose and fix, such as the problem we feature here. How on earth did a Chicago Metra Train end up in California, abandoned?
Rail equipment is not cheap, and it’s meant to last. But this is just sad. Comments from the web say that they were putting together a tourist and dinner train and running the train as a test. There was also a dining and kitchen car (Amtrak?) attached to that. They left the cars sitting on the track and vandals somehow released the brakes. The cars rolled downhill and derailed on a curve. The kitchen car overturned. We hiked there a couple of days after the derailment, and I marveled on how fast they repaired the tracks. I thought it was strange that they even re-used the old spikes in making the repair. Shortly after that the dining and kitchen car were removed and the other cars left on the siding where they remain to this day. You’ll want to hike along the Goat Canyon Trestle, which is a fabulous thing in itself. Read more here about this from a Reddit group.

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There’s lots to do in San Diego. Click here for plenty of fun.