After 12 hours, smashed into a seat on a plane, with still more hours to go before you have any hope of landing, you’ll know that this is not the luxury travel that you’d always hoped for. And, even worse, you still have to face disembarking, finding your bags and maneuvering your way to your final destination. Sheesh: if only cruises were less expensive.
But no, back to reality. Imagine that you’re “the adventuresome type” and are always looking for the newest, the latest, the greatest, the adventure that will leave all of your friends in the dust. No holidays on a Greek island for you. No luxury penthouse in Dubai. No – you’re extreme and you want what you want.
Well, you must have some pity for one of our favorite YouTubers, The Tim Traveler. As delightful and politeful as an adventurer can get, Tim always finds something waaaaaay out of left field with which to make a video. This one is really pedantic – which means great, of course. As Tim, himself says “Deep in the Sahara desert is the world’s longest conveyor belt system. I went to see this king of conveyors, to find out why it was built, only to discover how its story is deeply intertwined with an international border dispute.” And a conveyor belt. Top this, all you pedants!

The Hotel Al Massira continues with the theme, but with ultimate luxury. Click here to book.

The Hotel Al Massira calls your name. You may not want to leave. Click here to book.

You can always trust TripAdvisor for activities. Click here for fun in Laayoune.