One of the big complaints about traveling is about how damned expensive it can be. Especially after Covid pummeled the travel industry into the ground, only now is it rising from the ashes, but with rising prices as well. According to NerdWallet’s Travel Price Index, the overall cost of travel is up 9%. Take a family of four to almost anywhere and soon moths will fly out of your wallet.

What can you do, especially if you’re retired and maybe the cashflow isn’t what it once was? Fear not, we present an option that may sound a bit daft at first, but you’ll soon see the logic. Why not “camp” in your car instead? Sound uncomfortable? It probably won’t be. And the money you’ll save on flights and hotels will more than compensate when you tally up the invoices at the end of the trip. Even better, this can be your personal car if you wish. Use it wherever you go. Going to Europe? Send it on a ferry or rent a vehicle: there are so many styles and price levels. Traveling locally? Then you’re all set.
Watch the video below about how “an average retired guy” did just that with his wife and his own Mazda 3.

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