We don’t know about you, but when Dire Straits came straight out of nowhere in 1978 and topped the charts with their unmatched tune, The Sultans of Swing, we were hooked. Who were they? Where did they come from? How and where did they define that singular sound of theirs? And, how can we hear more? Their (still) major hit, The Sultans of Swing, was an epiphany and sounds just as fresh today as it did back then – that period where musicians actually played their instruments, after slaving for decades trying to define their own sound. None of this “push a button and then start talking” like most of today’s music. The always interesting Jago Hazzard posted a YouTube video that was a puzzle to him, also: who were the Sultans of Swing? Did they even exist? And, most relevant to this post, where did they gig before they exploded into the chart-topping band that they eventually became – Dire Straits, of course. So, Jago being Jago, he decided to look into it.
One key piece of evidence from the song were inferences to a pub called The White Swan, which was named in the song. There were further clues that took Jago to a variety of options. But, he still was leaning toward a pub in London called The White Swan. But where was that pub? Do you have any ideas?
As it happens, what now resides where the pub might have been is a company, GP Strategies who is a “leading talent transformation partner.” Not too promising a lead, we think. Click here for clues, if you’re keen. And let us know how you get on. Next time we’re in London, we’ll continue the search.

We’ll leave it to you to watch Jago’s video, above and start own your wild goose chase. No matter what, there will always be a pub nearby to sooth your disappointment if you end up empty-handed. Take the bus or the Tube.

Try the Tickets for London: Historic Pub Walking Tour. Lots of fun! Click here.