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White Sands

Can you dig it? A few days ago, we commenced watching a video from the British writer Graham Hancock. If you’re not familiar with him, he tends to tackle history and science topics that many other writers of his ilk won’t touch. Some of his efforts veer into pseudo-science, others into “the mysterious” and, as it happens, most are couched with pretty solid research. Wikipedia describes him as “Graham Bruce Hancock is a British writer who promotes pseudoscientific ideas about ancient civilizations and hypothetical lost lands.” 

A recent episode of his broached the topic of the White Sands parts of the Americas (and in this case, parts of the locations fall into North America) and that there could have been  an ancient apocalypse that, for the most part, wiped out entire swaths of the Americas. Choose to believe him as you wish, but one element that can be experienced by you or me are the White Sands National Park. Our affiliate friends, Viator have a variety of activities in White Sands. Want to find out more? Click here.

Watch the Netflix taster, above, to get a better idea of how scientists process their theories into reality.

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