Many months back, when Covid was still in the air and travel was nothing more than a dream somewhere in the mists, while surfing through a sea of (naively hopeful) OTT travel videos and “experts”, we happened upon an Icelandic gentleman named Gylfi, who has a YouTube Channel called Simply Iceland. As it happens, we were thinking of visiting Iceland, as we’d never been at the time, and so, he piqued our interest. With a rich and sonorous voice, Gylfi captured us right off the bat and so, we were hooked. He knows his country inside and out and clearly loves it, which is why he moves at a leisurely pace as he shares his vast knowledge and love of his breathtaking country. “Fantastic Nature All Around”
You may recall that in recent months, Iceland has been sitting somewhat precariously atop a number of active volcanos. Luckily, that situation is settling down somewhat and the locals can breathe a sigh of relief, but that too, might be tenuous. So, having been to Iceland just a few months back, ourselves, what Gylfi shares keeps us on our toes, hoping for the best. If you haven’t been to Iceland, then book your tickets. If you have, go back and marvel at what Mother Nature has done while you were away. Thanks, Gylfi, for being the sentinel for an entire country, and the rest of the world on its toes.

Fly Icelandair to Iceland and beyond. They acknowledge their country as a stop-over to other lands, so its two holidays in one. Click here to book your flights to Reykjavik and, if you can, stay a while.

Sometimes, finding rooms in Iceland can be a challenge, so book early to stay at the Aurora Hotel at Reykjavik-Keflavik Airport Terminal KEF. Modern, definitely Scandinavian. Click here to book.

The Black Beach cannot be missed. Click here to book your adventure.

You’ll definitely need a car in Iceland. Hertz are there for you. Click here to book.