Our partner Scott’s Cheap Flights knows a lot about travel: they have been providing stellar deals since 2009. So, they have as much at stake with Covid-19 as anyone.
“This post highlights some of their research on what to expect when it comes to vaccines, in particular. Last week I wrote to you about what airfare will look like once the pent up demand for travel begins to release, and how to frontrun the upcoming surge. Today I want to help shine light on what new requirements to expect once vaccines become widely available, and when we might hope to travel overseas again.
While there are significant restrictions on international travel, virtually none exist on domestic travel. You can hop on a domestic flight today without having to even show a negative test, much less proof of vaccination.
As vaccines become broadly available and travel demand picks up, travel restrictions will begin to fall. But with so few restrictions on domestic travel today—at the height of the pandemic—it’s unlikely that new requirements will be implemented as the pandemic begins to recede. (Sidenote: I would expect airplane mask requirements to persist at least through the end of 2021.)”
Read more courtesy of Scott’s Cheap Flights
And have a look at our Covid-related content.