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Even though we were aware of it some years ago, the topic of Urbex popped up again, recently and we realised that we haven’t done any posts or references to it. We’ve hinted at the idea by suggesting skipping the “easy” activities and pushing out the boat so to speak.

But we’ve never featured it. So what exactly is Urbex ? Wikipedia describes it as “Urban exploration is the exploration of manmade structures, usually abandoned ruins or hidden components of the manmade environment. To some, that would immediately sound like a turn-off. But, having dipped our toes (literally and figuratively) once or twice, it might be something that our intrepid readers might enjoy (as long as you explore sensitively and with a “leave it as it was” mentality.

British Fine Art Architecture & Location Photographer

The legality of exploring abandoned places in the United States (elsewhere may have different rules) is a bit of a gray area. In general, entering private property without permission is illegal, and many abandoned places are located on private property. Additionally, many abandoned places may be structurally unsanitary or contain hazardous materials, making them dangerous to explore. Buyer beware.

Rules: A general rule of urbex is to respect the property and its history, minimize the impact on the environment, and not cause damage. A common motto is “take only photographs and leave only footprints.”

Our favorite urban explorers are The Proper People. They observe, touch nothing and take nothing, except photos. The video above is from an abandoned HQ of TRW, a huge US conglomerate company in Ohio, USA. Your editor, as a junior worker bee, once attended meetings in this impressive place, and family was part of the picture. The video is accurate. The building has since been demolished. It was spectacular in its day.

Learn more about Urbex. Enjoy it, but be a good person. Leave it be. Click here.

If you do decide to explore afield, be sure to wear the right gear. Mountain Warehouse has it. Click here.

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