Here’s another in a long line of distinguished posts that make you want to scratch your head and, perhaps walk into a different room with some aspirin. But, on the other hand, it’s a delight for those who really, really, love airplanes. You’ll get the full picture when you watch the video, but this one is a real corker. Imagine a flight that was 60 hours long with no less than three diversions. Doesn’t seem possible, does it? You’d link that everyone would have wanted to turn around and go back. But, as it happens, they simply couldn’t. The story is true and it was on a most unusual Tui flight. Watch the video below.
For a bit of background, TUI is one of the world’s leading global tourism platform companies (and are one of our affiliate friends) that fall under the umbrella of the TUI Group. they combine over 400 owned hotels, 16 cruise ships, a digital platform of more than 160,000 tours, activities and experiences, strong tour operators, 1,200 travel agencies and leading online portals, five airlines with around 130 aircraft, and destination services in all major holiday countries around the globe. So, yes, they’re a huge vetted and respected travel company.

But no-one could have imagined the cascade of unforeseen events on this flight. And, even more poignant, no-one can truly predict the weather or what Mother Nature decides to whip up without much warning. In a way, it’s almost laughable, but of course not fun for the passengers and the plane’s crew. And you’ll be happy to know that the plane landed safely.
Tui have a lot to offer when it comes to flights, stays, cruises, hotels and more. Click here to look and book.