As ever – and as demonstrated by the name of our site – we try to bring you new and interesting travel news, ideas and inspirations. We think of you, our beloved readers, as adventuresome, fun, curious, open-minded, free-thinking and, perhaps, owners of creaky joints and bones. Yep. Our sympathies go to you, too.
So, sure, there will be days when you’re ready to take on the brand new day, or there will be other days where you’d rather stay on the sofa. But, that doesn’t mean that your wanderlust has abated. It just means that you’re giving your ever-so-slowly disintegrating body its own vacation. The sofa can be enervating, too.

With the stage set, may we present two adventurers who are young and lithe and think outside the box. You may squirm at their chutzpah and physical prowess, but at least you can walk to the refrigerator and open a refreshing beverage, and then marvel (or laugh) at their antics.
There are two protagonists here and both regale you with what they get up to. One character is a favourite of ours – The Tim Traveller. The other is Shannon (from Adventuring with Shannon) The theme here is that they’re out in the desert – not for the fun and sun – but for totally obscure reasons. Let’s start with Tim. And a conveyor belt.
Firstly, Tim Traveler. His resume is concise: Travel. Trekking. Transport. But he forgot to add very funny. Watch his videos on Youtube. There are dozens. Today’s is his quest for the world’s longest conveyor belt. No, that’s not odd or pedantic at all. Who do you think you are for even thinking that? Tim notes: * If all you want is the conveyor belt, not the story behind it, skip straight to 4:20 🙂

Next up is Shannon. She describes herself as “I quit my job teaching middle school to travel the world full-time. I believe that everything that you do in life should be in pursuit of the things that you are most passionate about. For me, adventure is everything. I want to experience it all and capture it with my camera while encouraging others to pursue their dreams as well .Not to be outdone, here she highlights her Riding on the iron ore train in Mauritania through the Sahara desert. Click here to plan your own trip.

After a hard day’s guiding on your camel, how about a Sahara Desert and Paradise Valley including Tajine for Lunch? Click here to book yours.