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Everyone loves a story of one kind or another. Whether it’s sheer fantasy or the bald truth (or even a little bit of both), who can resist in finding a way to believe in legend or legends or bald-faced lies? This kind of activity kept our far, far-away ancestors busy, by either keeping the little folk subjugated – or perhaps simply entranced by the tales of yore. Or maybe a bit of both.

As you’ll see here, legend and fantasy, history and reality are – all at once – entangled into a quixotic cloud that leaves you scratching your head. Burying your nose into a book of legends is one way to immerse yourself to unearth the truth. But, what about if you have the chance to live, breath and touch that legend? You can, of course, and a particularly vivid and tangible example of this is Tintagel.

Tintagel is famously linked to the legend of King Arthur. According to the 12th-century writer Geoffrey of Monmouth, Tintagel Castle was the birthplace of King Arthur.

This association has made it a significant site for Arthurian enthusiasts. Is it true or not? No-one knows for sure, but why not climb the steps, cross the ladder and find out for yourself, in this epoch and era? You may walk away a changed person. At the very least, you’ll get some fresh air, exercise your (probably) tired limbs and walk away with a rather big smile, and maybe feel a little bit wiser.

One of our favorite YouTube creators, Barnzy, has done much of the legwork for you, no pun intended. See above. Interestingly, archaeological evidence shows that Tintagel was inhabited as far back as the late Roman period. Excavations have revealed a wealth of artifacts, indicating it was a site of considerable importance in early medieval times. So who knows?

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