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This town, is coming like a ghost town.

Bands won’t play no more. Too much fighting on the dance floor. Now, this could be anywhere, however, the opening lines of this post reflect the UK “Ghost Town,” which was the mournful sound of these riots, a poetic protest. The lyrics vividly describe the desolation and neglect in urban areas, particularly in cities like Coventry, where The Specials originated. Phrases like “This town is coming like a ghost town” reflect the empty streets and closed-down businesses, symbolizing the economic decline of many British cities at the time. But, it’s not just relevant to the UK. It’s for everyone.

Overall, “Ghost Town” serves as both a social commentary and a historical snapshot of a challenging period in the UK, capturing the feelings of disillusionment and the impact of economic policies on everyday life. Its enduring relevance speaks to its powerful depiction of societal issues and its ability to resonate with audiences beyond its original context. And that is exactly what we’re focusing on in this post.

The Ghost Town could be anywhere. But this one is even more opaque, and is just outside NYC, if you can imagine that. Watch the video below to see yet another side of The Big Apple that often disappears from the city’s collective mind. And, even more importantly, what happens to the ghost towns once they finally give up their final gasp. Meet Doodletown.

Funnily, and ironically, we suppose, Doodletown is located in Stony Point, Rockland County, New York and was bought by the Palisades Interstate Park Commission in the 60s after many people began moving away. Now, Doodletown is a popular spot for nature lovers, hikers, birdlovers, and historians to visit. You can, too.

Doodletown is some way away from NYC. Why not rent a camper for simplicity? Click here.

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