Let’s face it. Almost every male is lazy in one aspect or another. Maybe it’s hygiene. Maybe it’s remembering anniversaries. Or maybe it’s simply a matter of reaching that age where it could be all three, combined. But this post is focused on the lazy aspect. Except that this lazy guy is not lazy at all and is quite sharp as it happens.
Insider recently featured the fantastic and clever story of Ryan Gutridge, who spends almost an entire year living on Royal Caribbean’s Freedom of the Seas. He departs his houseboat (as it were) for a few weeks a year to celebrate the holidays. And he saves a load of cash using this methodology. Imagine wandering to your dinner every night, with no dishes to wash. Different food and different cuisines all the while. And think of the new people you could meet – or not. It’s all up to you. Come aboard. They’re expecting you.
Now that may sound like a nightmare to some people, but Ryan is actually quite cunning. There is a catch, in that Ryan is a virtual worker, and so, he can work from anywhere. So, he has the luxury of holding calls or meetings when they happen. But, when you think about it, it can really make sense if your life is flexible, and so is your residence, as it were. Read more here about it. And if you think this might be for you, watch the full walk-through of this amazing, floating island – with drinks! And why gloat, you say? Wouldn’t you?

CruiseNation have your ship awaiting. Click here to book your ship. How long you stay is up to you!