You only had one job. Some people should just go home from their place of work, crawl under the sofa and then try it again the next day. The problem is . . . the don’t recognize that there’s a problem: the problem is them. Or maybe its who they work for. Or maybe the problem is the overall company itself. But it’s enough to make you pull out what little frazzled hair you have.
Here’s a good example by a guy who should know, Gary Leff. We’ve written about him before, as he has some of the (too often) funniest examples of bad travel behavior, whether it’s the passengers or the restauranteurs. Sometimes, it’s so bad that you want to flee out the door at full speed, screaming, like the rest of the customers. Whatever happened to good manners? Read more below.

Gary Leff: “I find that things go wrong with my travel quite often. Airlines fail to ticket reservations. I get put on standby for an earlier flight with the wrong priority. Requests I make don’t get entered. Seat assignments disappear. Names get misspelled on tickets even when I have reservations agents spell them back to me.
These things go wrong and I’m supposed to know what I’m doing. So sometimes I wonder how the average traveler manages to get from one place to another at all. And maybe the answer is, they don’t? Read more here.”

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