The word is out and your 2025 travel plans are now sorted. Tripadvisor tells us to get ready, because the future of travel has just landed. Tripadvisor dug deep into millions of reviews, bookings, and convos on Tripadvisor to uncover the micro-trends and massive cultural swings that are rewriting the ways we humans go. Tripadvisor’s first-ever Trendcast captures it all—it’s the ultimate pulse check on where travelers are now and what’ll be driving them forward for years to come. You’d better get on the ball before you’re left behind. Click here.

Space could be your next frontier, but the real one to watch is astrology. Gather your energy: Spiritual practices like Tarot card readings and horoscopes are no longer at-home activities—they’re driving travel decisions and reshaping destinations. In this “now age” spirituality, ancient practices are merging with modern wellness, feeding our curiosity about worlds seen and unseen. To learn more, click here, courtesy of Tripadvisor.

Tripadvisor certainly know their stuff, so quit dreaming and get on the ball. Click here.