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Search: tea

Brutalist love

If you've been to London (or for the next time you do) be sure - if you haven't - to visit The Barbican. An icon of Brutalist architecture, the Barbican has always been controversial. Voted ‘London’s ugliest building’ in 2003, among design aficionados it's one of the UK’s architectural treasures. Home to some 4,000 residents…

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Quick! Go see yeah, Nicosia

Sometimes, places that are not necessarily on your radar are often the ones that you might fall in love with.. Take Cyprus, for example.  In the distant past, there were problems between the country and Greek Cypriots.  But, those tensions have subsided and Cyprus has become an intoxicating and inexpensive destination to enjoy endless sun,…

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Bond is back!  But not as Bond . . .  James Bond star Pierce Brosnan is in a new film.  It’s the result of Tourism Ireland teaming up with the Irish Film and Television Academy to create a series of short videos to showcase Ireland. Pierce speaks of his love for his native land, while the…

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Clean routine

Via Vittorio Emanuele is the public wash known as "medieval wash" at the late-Renaissance palace Martino in Italy. In 1514 it was demolished and rebuilt on a more back from the city walls and the river that (legend has it that it was created by the tears of a mourning nymph) flowed under the open…

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A GEM among them

Unless you've had your head in the sand, you will most certainly know about the immense and exciting GEM museum in Cairo. GEM stands for Grand Egyptian Museum and it will be a stunning building even separate of its incredible jewels, artefacts and mummies. When it is completed, the Grand Egyptian Museum just outside of…

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Ohio, the prehistoric effigy

Ohio, in the United States, is one of those places that can surprise you.  Primarily focused on agricultural endeavors, it does feature three large metropolitan areas:  Columbus, Cincinnati and Cleveland.  But, it's mostly farmland.  So, it's not surprising that Ohio can hold some . . surprises.  One such feature is the Great Serpent Mound.... The…

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Don’t pretend to be: be!

A devastating loss can shatter the façade we put up for others, exposing our deepest, rawest self. A work of art can do the same. Don’t show off! Don’t pretend to be, be!’ The piercing voice of my stern ballet teacher with the stick and the square glasses still echoes in my mind. These two…

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Flying fruit!

We all want to save money when we travel, and one of the most unwanted costs is when we over-pack our luggage. But four travelers teamed up to make lemonade out of lemons–actually orange juice out of oranges–after being faced with exorbitantly higher baggage fees to transport their oranges home. 30 minutes later, they had…

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Flying fruit!

Unexpected baggage fees can sting like a squirt of citrus in your eye. But four travelers teamed up to make lemonade out of lemons–actually orange juice out of oranges–after being faced with exorbitantly higher baggage fees to transport their oranges home. Thirty minutes later, they had downed 66 pounds of oranges. Read more from…

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Get smart!

Please welcome our latest partner, One Day University. One Day University is an education company that brings the best professors from across the nation to present entertaining, inspiring versions of their best lectures to lifelong learners. Their  entire library of 400 fascinating classes is available to members, with new talks streaming live every day. Every…

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How to be a genius

Don’t get me wrong – yes, I’m a professor at Yale University, but I’m no genius. When I first mentioned to our four grown children that I was going to teach a new course on genius, they thought that was the funniest thing they’d ever heard. ‘You, you’re no genius! You’re a plodder.’ And they…

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Please welcome our new contributor, Beyond Adventures.  With an incredibly diverse past, she has lots of topics to choose from.  Today, it's all about technology.  "My day starts with coffee or tea, a slice of toast with jam, and fruit while catching up with the world via social media. My gotos? Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and…

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OK Tours!

Those in the know, know that Central Europe is still a hidden secret in many ways.  And one of the most beautiful and modern is Prague, in the Czech Republic.  If you have not explored this part of Europe, then you are missing a treat.  The Czech Republic is not a geographically large country, but…

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Being in the here and now

Many spiritual teachers have emphasised the notion of being fully present ‘in the now’. Proponents of meditative practices of various sorts tout meditation as a way of immersing oneself fully in the present moment, and not attending to the past or future. The spiritual teachers (including prominent authors) and proponents of meditation typically point to…

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Like a Virgin?

The crystal waters of the Caribbean are a treasure chest of emerald isles, adorned with unspoiled retreats that attract the world’s elite, year after year. Nestled between Puerto Rico and Anguilla are The British Virgin Islands, an archipelago home to some of the most picturesque landscapes in the Caribbean. With a private charter flight to…

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