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Search: france

Your Place in the Sun

Pity the poor British people who, while having a lovely, historic and diverse place to live, also have the agonizing problem of deciding which sunny location they should turn to in order to rent or purchase a sunny spot to escape the grey and unpleasant weather that is a major part of their everyday lives.…

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We know this much is Trôo 

Listening to Marvin, all night long and living in French caves was all the rage in 1964. And if that doesn't make you want to be a cave dweller - even if you think that you know France - then what about this? Trôo is a charming village located in the Loire Valley region…

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Get away from it all: ghost towns

Some of us live in cities that could probably be classed as a ghost town: Miriam Webster defines it as a "once-flourishing town wholly or nearly deserted usually as a result of the exhaustion of some natural resource." But, just as commonly, the source of its demise is the exhaustion of human resources.…

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