Talk about a soft landing, can you get anything softer than water? And let’s not even mention the bragging rights of touching down on H2O. Not every airport can boast / support that. Think of it: you’ll look like a Hollywood movie star when you touch down, adoring fans waiting at dockside for you to disembark. Be sure to wear your absolute best when you step off the plane.
You might be scratching your head right now, wondering where you can even find a seaplane. They’re more present and available than you think. And, if you’re a bit squeamish, fear not: we’ve taken to the blue skies several times and it genuinely is a unique thrill, especially if you’re up front with the pilot.
You may be asking what a seaplane is, especially if you’re one of the denizens of the planet where water is not only a drink, but it’s also a recreation. A seaplane is an aircraft that can take off and land on water. They’re equipped with floats or a hull that allows them to operate on both land and water.

Seaplanes can access remote areas that are inaccessible by land or conventional aircraft, making them ideal for exploring pristine wilderness and secluded islands which, more often than not, also offer landing spots where you tie up the plane, and then wander. No long queues, no airport food, no boarding passes. Just you. If this doesn’t sound exciting, then you may want to re-evaluate your joy-meter. To book yours (in Vancouver, Canada) Click here.

We always recommend The hip Burrard, Vancouver hotel when you’re here. To book, click here.