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Police cars are cheaper than taxis

How to Seduce a Panamanian Cop | Bocas del Toro, Panama

Her name was Zarra, which should’ve been my first clue. If she’d been a Millicent, our evening would have proceeded differently. Millicents don’t seduce Panamanian policía for a ride to a nightclub, and then perform cunnilingus six paces from the dance floor—at least, none of the Millicents I’ve ever met do.

My (platonic) friend Paul and I arrived in Bocas del Toro from Costa Rica. Serving up hamburgers the size of cats and speaking better English than greater Los Angeles, Costa Rica felt like Central America Lite; a haven stubbornly cushioned from the rest of the sub-continent by thick wads of American cash.

In fact, with our bloodshot stares and broken flip-flops, Paul and I suspected that we were cheapening up the joint. We therefore hurried through to Panama, which—according to the backpacker grapevine—was centered less on “veneer” and more on “venereal.” Evidently, the grapevine was acquainted with Zarra.

Explore Panama – a South American treasure.

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