This has us squealing with delight and not a little bit of worry. More than a few people who live in Canada are less than impressed with what’s happening in the country down below us, what with Donald Trump making noises about Canada becoming part of the USA. And he has been spreading all sorts of nonsense in other parts of the world. Gaza? It’s genuinely worrying and doesn’t seem to be abating as the days and weeks go on. We can be quite confident that most Canadians have zero interesting in becoming the 51st state, and the Europeans being even less impressed by this dumbfoolery.
So imagine our joy when this video appeared today courtesy of the always excellent DW. When we first heard it, we were almost apoplectic with joy. It seems to make so much sense (and, of course this is early days) but having lived in the US, Europe and Canada, it seems like a dream come true. It’s early days, and so, who knows what Captain Orange will do next. But, we write this post with a certain amount of excitement, tempered by an even amount of trepidation. Keep your eyes peeled.

One thing is for sure. The USA doesn’t need to worry too much about an incursion from Canada. Marvel above, at the border between the USA and Canada. It’s called Zero Avenue and it really exists. The minuscule wire fence acts as a border of sorts. There are hidden cameras, so don’t get too excited.

Even now, Amtrak trains course back and forth between Canada and the US, daily. No worries, no hurry, just good relations with two countries, one of which has a sane leader. Take the train! Click here.