Some travel companies actually think a bit about their offering. Rather than pushing and polishing the same old thing, they gather around a table, brainstorm and – et voila – out come some innovative ideas that make you think – “hey, why didn’t they think of that before?” Even more gratifying is when the new “new” just makes logical sense.

So, here’s a good example. Air Canada is now featuring a new service where airline passengers can connect directly from the airport to train stations across France, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria on a single ticket. If you’ve ever had to rush from a plane to a train or to a taxi, you know how fraught an experience can be. But, now passengers can now check in for their entire journey and obtain a unified travel itinerary, saving time and providing peace of mind in case of delays or disruptions.
“As a leading global airline, Air Canada excels at flying, but we also know intermodal connections can enrich the travel experience through added convenience and by promoting sustainability. In offering easy onward airport connections with the national rail systems in France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria, we are creating intermodal hubs and opening the door for customers to reach stations at major cities and popular destinations throughout these countries. Moreover, by facilitating the use of rail for the short-haul segments of our customers’ journeys, we can provide sustainable travel options when touring Europe,” said Mark Galardo, Executive Vice President, Revenue and Network Planning, at Air Canada. Read more here about this joined-up way of thinking. Click here to book your Air Canada flights.