…and pink champagne on ice? We are all just prisoners here . . . oh wait, wrong references.
Being one of the oldest civilisations on Earth, Europeans have a lot to show for it. Even beyond the splendors of Rome or Athens, there were generations and generations of forbearers who walked – and as it happens – marked the land, leaving us with indelible and stunning gifts.
Don Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola was a Spanish jurist who owned lands around Santillana del Mar in Cantabria. He was also an amateur archaeologist, and when one of the local hunters, Modesto Cubillas, told him of a cave on his land his interest was piqued and he decided to go and look for himself.
On one of these visits his eight-year-old daughter, Maria, accompanied him, and it was she who first saw the shadowy form of pictures on the ceiling of the cave. She excitedly told her father who brought trestles on their next visit so that he could examine the ceiling more closely.
There is also a film starring Antonio Banderas called Finding Altamira.
Read more courtesy of EyeOnSpain.com